Would like to introduce one of our newest and youngest students to our academy.
Justin Woolard is 6 years old and have been training with us for several months now. He is from Washington. And such a joy to train with. When he arrives at our academy my daughter can’t wait to get her uniform on and start training with him.
He recently got his first stripe in Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And for the people who have seen him at my academy there is only one thing to describe him.
He is “All Boy!!’
He reminds me of my son at this age. Hard to imagine it isn’t it?
I am looking forward to training him for many years to come.
Thank you Justin’s parents for choosing our academy for the development of your child.
James Speight is an accomplished Martial Arts Instructor. Who founded Team GAMMA. He is a Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Under Luiz Palhares. Many of his students have had very successful Mixed Martial Arts and Jiu-jitsu competitions all over the country.
You don't normally see these types of throws in a Brazilian Jiu-jitsu Tournament, especially at a submission only event, and almost never at a higher...read more →
The Jiu-Jitsu Times | Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Is A Great Sport for Unathletic Children. Today I ran across a good article about why Brazilian...read more →