If you want the best Self Defense, Mixed Martial Arts and Gracie Jiu-jitsu for yourself and your family.
It is time to check out our Academy. 16 years of service in Eastern North Carolina.
James Speight is an accomplished Martial Arts Instructor. Who founded Team GAMMA. He is a Black Belt in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Under Luiz Palhares. Many of his students have had very successful Mixed Martial Arts and Jiu-jitsu competitions all over the country.
My two sons have been coming to All American Martial Arts Academy for 6 months now, they have learn discipline, sportsmanship and how to defend...read more →
Master Luiz Palhares Seminar will be at the All-American Martial Arts Academy Friday February the 13th to do a seminar for all his students, everyone...read more →