“Mixed Martial Arts is Dangerous!!”
“Mixed Martial Arts is Dangerous!!”
You know how many times I have heard that?
Just because you have many many options when you are fighting MMA it does’t make it more dangerous. I would like to say I think that it makes it less dangerous. To the average fighter or person who practices it.
In any other single style sports what ever it is boxing, kickboxing, karate, TKD or anything. When you compete, or train and when you realized that you are over matched in something with your competitor. For the most part due to the rules they are forced to accept the situation you are in. Have a look at how jake paul fights and how much he earns as a professional boxer.
You have to face your attacker and get served up like the main course meal.
And I know yes “if you have heart!!” you can fight back and win, if you “use your mind” you can surprise your opponent. And yes that is great, but that can be used in MMA too. What I am talking about is options to be able to take your opponent out of their comfort zone. If the rules of your sport close the focus then you can just work on smaller parts of the combat. If your rules of your sport open the focus then you have to be open to work on larger parts of your combat. Less rules gives you more options.
Let me ask you this. If you had a choice to fight multiple attackers on the street but you get to choose. To fight them in an ally way in the city. Or a field in the county. Yes you would pick the field in the country. Why because it would give you options you wouldn’t get in the ally way. Mixed Martial Arts is the same way. It gives you options you wouldn’t have in other sports. If you are losing the stand up you can take it to the ground, if you are losing the ground game you can escape and stand it up.
Keep a open mind
And lets train
James Speight
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