Posts Tagged "Children Training Martial Arts"

Brooke Has Something To Say About Training At Team GAMMA

I have been training Jiu-Jitsu about six months now. I wanted to try Jiu-Jitsu to have more power in my personal self-defense. In the pass I wished I have more training and this makes me feel safe as a woman in this world. I had a fear of looking like a complete idiot. which I mean kind of it went away over time because the more you learn the better you get the more you get comfortable in your body. How you can transfer your body

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiujitsu #GreenvilleNCMMA #GreenvilleNCmixedmartialarts #GreenvilleChildrensBJJ #GreenvilleNCChildrensBrazilianJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #freetriallesson

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Aric Was Looking For A Safe Place To Train

Aric wanted to find a place that his children, wife and Himself could train at that they felt safe. He found everything he was looking for, that he now calls Home at GAMMA.

“ I have trained Jiu-Jitsu for ten years. I was 369 pounds, and I started kickboxing and they were doing Jiu-Jitsu in the corner and it looked fun. I put my children in it. It looked really fun, so I signed up.

It’s allowed me to loose weight live a healthier lifestyle. Have a constructive outlet. I have learned that culture is what draws people to make their gym their home gym.

I have two daughters and a wife who trains as well. So to have a female presence and inclusive atmosphere. Was what I was looking for in a gym. I tried all gyms before picking my final gym and this gym felt like home.

It is never too late to start. I was introduced to Jiu-Jitsu when I was 21 and didn’t start till I was 39. It’s the best self-defense and an amazing work out.

The last thing I want to see is a loved one or anyone get hurt. So training Jiu-Jitsu is a way to prevent that. You have to put in the reps to defend yourself.” яндекс

Aric Purple Belt In Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiujitsu #GreenvilleNCMMA #GreenvilleNCmixedmartialarts #GreenvilleChildrensBJJ #GreenvilleNCChildrensBrazilianJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #freetriallesson #adultbjjGreenvillenc #womansjiujitsu #ECUBJJ


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Training at GAMMA

Here at GAMMA we excel In ensuring that everyone has a safe and fun training environment to accomplish their goals. Professor Jay Speight is not only a skilled Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and MMA competitor, he is also a fantastic mentor who pushes us to achieve our fullest potential as athletes and as healthy happy everyday people.

From the fierce arena of competition to the nurturing environment of the kids’ class. Jay dedicates his expertise towards building competent martial artist and developing future champions.

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiujitsu #GreenvilleNCMMA #GreenvilleNCmixedmartialarts #GreenvilleChildrensBJJ #GreenvilleNCChildrensBrazilianJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #freetriallesson

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Our Children Getting Their Stripes.

  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.
  • Our Children Getting Their Stripes.

Congratulations to all our children who got their stripes this week in class. At our academy, we have always been a family martial arts academy, even though be teach the best Jiu-Jitsu for Self-Defense and Mixed Martial Arts, Gracie Jiu-Jitsu. At our academy, it isn’t unusual for a toddler like Penelope, a few years ago or Patrick Dustin today to be running across the mat in their GI. All the generations of the Speight Family trains or has trained in Gracie Jiu-Jitsu at our academy. Gracie Jiu-Jitsu is for everyone, we always have an open door policy to training, come in and “find somewhere to roll!!”
































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All About That Bass or Base

Dropping is Base is an Important Move In Jiu-Jitsu. There are many techniques and moves in Jiu-Jitsu for self-defense. But with everything in this world you have to start somewhere. In Jiu-Jitsu it starts with your base. Base is a stance where you lower your center of gravity and make it harder for someone to take you down, pull you and it even can make your head or your core vital part of your body harder to hit if you are attacked.

Whether you are standing up in Base, of dropping in Base. It should be the first move you should perfect. My daughter is showing how the base is used, with a play on words with the popular song It’s All About The Bass.

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Taking The First Step in Jiu-Jitsu

Taking The First Step in Jiu-Jitsu

Would like to introduce one of our newest and youngest students to our academy.
Justin Woolard is 6 years old and have been training with us for several months now. He is from Washington. And such a joy to train with. When he arrives at our academy my daughter can’t wait to get her uniform on and start training with him.

He recently got his first stripe in Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. And for the people who have seen him at my academy there is only one thing to describe him.

He is “All Boy!!’

He reminds me of my son at this age. Hard to imagine it isn’t it?

I am looking forward to training him for many years to come.

Thank you Justin’s parents for choosing our academy for the development of your child.

Try a Free Lesson Today Click Here


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When should my child start training?

When should my child start training?

I get this question a lot, sometimes someone will call me and I say “How Old is your child?” I will get some answers like they are 18 months old. Well I don’t know your child but in an organized class for children, that is too young. In my opinion. Maybe you as a parent should train, and pass down your legacy to them? But that is another story all together.

I have trained many children over the years, some was ready younger, some was not ready older. It really depends on your child. But a good rule of thumb a child that is 5 to 6 is old enough to start in an organized 50-60 minute class.

Now I know my daughter started training before she was 3 years old, but my son started when he was 6. I maybe would have started him out before that, but we didn’t have any options at that time 14 years ago.

But keep this is mind, when you are trying to get a child to start training under 5, keep a realistic attitude on it. I think a 3 year old should be only expected to stay focused on an organized class for 30 minutes, 4 year old maybe 40 minutes. And so on. And be happy if you get a few minutes more. But don’t pressure too much.

Think of it like this, I have been told if you are using “Time Out” for your child as a discipline. The max for a 3 year old would be 3 minutes, and four year old would be 4 minutes, and so on. So why would you expect you child to stay interested in any activity more than 10 times a “Time Out”

Even when they get older keep everything in perspective, remember when my son was young and I went to a seminar and the Children’s seminar was before the adult seminar. I was getting up set during the adult seminar because my son and few of the other children wasn’t being perfect bystanders on the side lines. Royce Gracie told me “James let the Kid’s Play, This has to be fun for them”

Good lesson to learn.

And I learn them every day.

Try a Free Lesson Today Click Here




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Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Is Great For Children

Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Is Great For Children

The Jiu-Jitsu Times | Why Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Is A Great Sport for Unathletic Children.

Today I ran across a good article about why Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a good activity for children. Especially the ones who don’t do well at Team Sports and or are not athletic. If you are looking for an activity for your child, this really explains why what we teach is best for your child.

It is really tough for our kids to find a place for them. A good read if you want to learn more about our style.

And if you are an adult and not athletic, you too can get the same benefits from training in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

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