Posts Tagged "East Carolina"

Adult Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Classes Greenville NC Top Team

25 Years Building Champions. Monday-Friday 6PM Tuesday & Thursday 730 AM Saturday 11AM Sunday 1PM. $149 Month (No Long-Term Contracts) Your Uniform (gi) can be bought on Amazon for $65 (No $250 Club Uniform Required) No Belt Testing Fees (No Hidden Fees) Hurry Up While This Lasts!!!

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #greenvillencbjj #AdultBJJ #greenvillencbjj #AdultBJJ #GreenvilleNCJiu-jitsu #freetriallesson #AdultBjjGreenvillenc

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Brooke Has Something To Say About Training At Team GAMMA

I have been training Jiu-Jitsu about six months now. I wanted to try Jiu-Jitsu to have more power in my personal self-defense. In the pass I wished I have more training and this makes me feel safe as a woman in this world. I had a fear of looking like a complete idiot. which I mean kind of it went away over time because the more you learn the better you get the more you get comfortable in your body. How you can transfer your body

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiujitsu #GreenvilleNCMMA #GreenvilleNCmixedmartialarts #GreenvilleChildrensBJJ #GreenvilleNCChildrensBrazilianJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #freetriallesson

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Aric Was Looking For A Safe Place To Train

Aric wanted to find a place that his children, wife and Himself could train at that they felt safe. He found everything he was looking for, that he now calls Home at GAMMA.

“ I have trained Jiu-Jitsu for ten years. I was 369 pounds, and I started kickboxing and they were doing Jiu-Jitsu in the corner and it looked fun. I put my children in it. It looked really fun, so I signed up.

It’s allowed me to loose weight live a healthier lifestyle. Have a constructive outlet. I have learned that culture is what draws people to make their gym their home gym.

I have two daughters and a wife who trains as well. So to have a female presence and inclusive atmosphere. Was what I was looking for in a gym. I tried all gyms before picking my final gym and this gym felt like home.

It is never too late to start. I was introduced to Jiu-Jitsu when I was 21 and didn’t start till I was 39. It’s the best self-defense and an amazing work out.

The last thing I want to see is a loved one or anyone get hurt. So training Jiu-Jitsu is a way to prevent that. You have to put in the reps to defend yourself.” яндекс

Aric Purple Belt In Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiujitsu #GreenvilleNCMMA #GreenvilleNCmixedmartialarts #GreenvilleChildrensBJJ #GreenvilleNCChildrensBrazilianJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #freetriallesson #adultbjjGreenvillenc #womansjiujitsu #ECUBJJ


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Training at GAMMA

Here at GAMMA we excel In ensuring that everyone has a safe and fun training environment to accomplish their goals. Professor Jay Speight is not only a skilled Jiu-Jitsu practitioner and MMA competitor, he is also a fantastic mentor who pushes us to achieve our fullest potential as athletes and as healthy happy everyday people.

From the fierce arena of competition to the nurturing environment of the kids’ class. Jay dedicates his expertise towards building competent martial artist and developing future champions.

#TeamGAMMA #GreenvilleNCJiujitsu #GreenvilleNCMMA #GreenvilleNCmixedmartialarts #GreenvilleChildrensBJJ #GreenvilleNCChildrensBrazilianJiuJitsu #GreenvilleNCBrazilianJiuJitsu #ThreeBrazilianJiuJitsublackbelts #freetriallesson

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Our Close Relationship With ECU

Our Close Relationship With ECU

The All-American Martial Arts Academy has always had a close relationship with ECU. We are located blocks from the East Carolina University campus, right in the heart of Up-Town Greenville NC. A lot of our students who live on campus walk to our classes. And others who drive find our location very convenient. The fighting Pirates are in our blood and always will be.

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Student of the Week Brandon Gorman

Student of the Week Brandon Gorman

This weeks Student of the week is Brandon Gorman. He is a dedicated father and husband. Both Brandon and his wife are college professors, Brandon at UNC chapel Hill and his wife at East Carolina University. Here is what he had to say about training with us.

“My favorite thing about training at GAMMA has to be the people. The coaching is excellent, and all of the instructors are patient and thorough. They are the perfect blend of tough and flexible. The other students are also great – I think it’s rare to find serious fighters helping novices work on their game, but this happens every day at GAMMA. I’ve moved around a lot recently and taken trial classes at gyms in Raleigh and Chapel Hill and it wasn’t until I got to Greenville and started training at GAMMA that I fell in love with Jiu-Jitsu. I’m not exaggerating when I say the first time I stepped on the mat was a life-changing experience. I’m a full-time student, parent, and teacher, so it can be hard to find the time and energy to train sometimes, so I am definitely lucky to have such a fantastic community keeping me rolling.”


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ECU Pirate Mascot ARRGGHH!!

ECU Pirate Mascot ARRGGHH!!

When East Carolina University was originally formed it was a “Teacher College” and was known as “The Teachers” so originally the pirate mascot was imaged after Edward Teach the infamous Black Beard Pirate from North Carolina. The tie in to Edward Teach and “The Teachers” didn’t catch on, so they changed it later to the “The Pirates”. Over the years the Pirate mascot was changed, from his image and his name, to be more children friendly.

Kind of interesting that the Pirate Nation started out from a unsavory outlaw with a dark image as the one I shared.

How ever the Pirates Mascot was Started, I know when I a traveling around the nation and sometimes around the world, if someone asks me where I am from, I will tell them Greenville North Carolina, if they look puzzled I say Eastern North Carolina, and then maybe I will say ECU Pirates. Then they know.


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